Current research and working papers

District Heterogeneity, Legislative Bargaining, and Trade Policy, with Kishore Gawande, and Santiago M. Pinto. Download.

Heterogeneous Districts, Interests, and Trade Policy, with Kishore Gawande, and Santiago M. Pinto. Download (Feb-2024 version).

An earlier version was published as Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, November 2023, Working Paper Series No. 23-12.

The original version of the paper titled “Voting, lobbying and trade policy. A structural estimation framework” was presented at the International Political Economy Society 2020 Conference.

Boon, Curse, Fortune or Evil? The Political Consequences of Inward Foreign Direct Investment, with Boliang Zhu (book manuscript).

The Perils of Privilege: Manufacturing Wages, Educational Attainment, and the Populist Response to Industrial Decline, with William Roberts Clark and Keigo Tanabe. Download

A Re-Examination of Gender, Descriptive Representation, and Trade Policy, with Ulkar Imamverdiyeva and Patrick Shea. Download

Natural Disasters and Willingness to Pay for Reliable Electricity: The 2021 Winter Storm in Texas as a Natural Experiment, with Gail J. Buttorff, Yuhsin Annie Hsu, Yewande Olapade, Maria Paula Perez Arguelles, Agustin Vallejo, and M. C. Sunny Wong. Download

Regulating Foreign Investment: A Study of the Properties of Bilateral Investment Regimes, with Santiago M. Pinto and Nicolas Stier-Moses. Download

Partisanship and the Allocation of Foreign Investment under Imperfect Capital Mobility, with Santiago M. Pinto. Download

Opportunistic policies under varying costs of redeployment: evidence from the auto industry, with Santiago M. Pinto. Download

Fiscal Policy in Good Times and Bad Times: Distributive motivations and pro-cyclical spending in Argentina, with Martin Ardanaz and Santiago M. Pinto. Download.

Love thy neighbor: Moral suasion and the formation of immigration policy preferences, with Leonardo Antenangeli and Jeff Church.

The Multidimensionality of Governance: Unpacking the effect of elections, rule of law and contract enforcement on investment risk, with Susan Achury and Rodrigo Nuñez-Donoso.

Industry segmentation and the market for protection: Evidence from oil, with Llewelyn Hughes. Download.

Democracy and Wellbeing: A difference-in-differences analysis of the consequences of regime transitions, with Robert Erikson and Kelly Rader.

The Individual Sources of Economic Nationalism: Evidence from Survey Data, with Carmen Le Foulon. WP No. 3 (December 2007), Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies (SIWPS) Working Papers Series.

The Politics of Investment: Partisan Governments, Wages and Employment, with Santiago M. Pinto. Download.

No Entiendo: The Effects of Bilingualism on Hispanic Earnings, with Jeronimo Cortina and Rodolfo de la Garza. Columbia University, Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy (ISERP) Working Paper Series No. 2007 | 03.

Does Partisanship Affect the Regulation of Foreign Investment? Download.

Tying Hands vs. Exchanging Hostages. Domestic Coalitions, Political Constraints and FDI. Download.